

Benefits of commercial and technical due diligence

Key Takeaways

  • Due Diligence Objectives: There is an increasing focus now to look beyond the standard legal & financial due diligence
  • Why Commercial & Technical Due Diligence? Focus is more on operational capacities and potential future value generation. A more informed and confident transaction is assured
  • Our Approach: We ask and seek answers to certain key operational questions. Our approach follows a number of systematic steps, where our experienced team gathers and analyses key technical, operational and commercial information on the Target
  • What We Deliver: We deliver a robust and detailed red flag report to our clients including “quick wins” and “go”/”no go” decisions
  • The Benefits: There are numerous benefits of completing technical & commercial due, all of which lead to a more informed and confident transaction
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Malachy Mitchell

Managing Director

As Farrelly and Mitchell's co-founder and Managing Director, Malachy provides unmatched expertise. Working alongside CEO's, executives, and leaders from public and private sectors, Malachy empowers agribusinesses to fully achieve their potential.

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